Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Pantone Spring 2023 Fashion Colors - Orange, Yellow & Green

The Pantone Spring color Tangelo is next on the color wheel following the reds and peaches I shared yesterday.  I should have included it as well since it combines and blends best with those shades.

Tangelo shown at far right on color wheel

Tangelo at far left of the gradient blend

Shown below are the next five Pantone spring colors going around the color wheel.  Starting from the top, and working to the right are the following colors in order: Tangelo, Empire Yellow, Leek Green (behind Empire Yellow), Love Bird & Classic Green.

Colors shown on various backgrounds
Colors shown on white vs. black background

Gradient Blend

I really like the color blend combination of the orange yellow and greens -- you just have to be careful when combining or blending the orange next to green as they are both "secondary" colors and when combined they become a "mud" color-- or in other words, brown.  That is why having a yellow in between works as a sort of "bridge" and prevents the mud effect.  I explain a lot of these color mixing rules and tips in my Clay Color System.

So here are the recipes for these five colors using Kato clay.  Again, two of the colors are a very close match to previous Pantone colors and I have provided a link to those original recipes.

5 parts Kato Yellow
1 part Kato Orange

2 parts Kato Yellow
1/4 part Kato Green
1/4 part Kato Gold
4 parts Ecru Mix #2-8 *

1 part Kato Green
2 parts Kato Yellow
1/4 part White Mix #1-2 *

* Note:  These clay color recipes are created using Kato clay.  Any of the base color "mixes" used are from my Clay Color System.

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