Fibre Expressions is a quilt shop on the Sunshine Coast of BC in the town of Sechelt. They sell a wide range of our handcrafted buttons but what is unique is how they create bag designs in which our buttons are incorporated. They are put into kits which makes it more efficient when purchasing the correct amount of each fabric for the project.
They will be selling these kits, along with other goodies at the Quilt Canada show which happens to be coming up already next week in Vancouver. Of course if you cannot make it to the show and looking to order some of their items, they can be purchased in their online store.
Here are a few samples of the bags they created and a close-up sample of the buttons used:
Gigantic Blooms |
Leaves with Lady Bug |
Celtic Heart |
Brocade |
Color Wheel |
Exotica |
And finally, I created these special Surfboards as an accent button for a beach bag design of theirs.
We also have our handcrafted buttons listed in our own online store here. We have everything from real tiny that are suitable for children's wear or knit/crochet projects to very large as shown above.
Mini Blooms |
Some of our buttons might not be listed in our store if we are out of stock so you can contact us (through our website) with your request or any questions.