I can hardly believe it has been 6 months since my last blog post. There was so much going on I was getting further behind so I just had to put my writing on hold until I caught my breath. I was planning on starting the new year out right when everything came to a grinding halt. My new years eve and day began with no electricity for 23 hours due to a huge snowstorm that was so heavy, it knocked down trees and power poles creating a real mess! It was then I wished I had a gas stove or fireplace or even a little camp stove as there was no heat or any way to make a hot meal or drink. All one could do was bury themselves under blankets to keep warm and wait!

I thought I managed to survive that until I came down with a bad case of the flu bug a few days later. I was back up and half-ways running when I received the news that my dad passed away. I was sad for the news but so relieved as he had been in memory care the past year and now he is no longer suffering. This caused so much stress for my mom as her and dad were very close and they would've celebrated there 70th anniversary this year.
So again, I had to put everything on hold as I needed to head out to Alberta to help and support my mom. I ended up staying a week longer than planned due to poor weather. Driving through the mountain pass in winter time is not the best or safest time to travel so I had to find a time that seemed fairly reasonable and then go for it.
It is nice to be home again, safe and sound and slowly working my way at getting back on track but frankly, I wish I could hit a reset button and start 2020 all over again! Since that is not possible, the best I can do is pick up here at this point and create my own fresh start. I promise you it won't be another 6 months before I post again! So I am off and will be back very shortly with my clay recipes for the Pantone Spring 2020 Fashion colors. Perhaps some spring colors will help us get over the winter blues!