Even though it wasn't serious, something like this can slow you down. I was still been trying to stay active with the clay as much as it would allow but had to focus more on activities that involved sitting rather than standing.
We have found shows are getting harder to do with all the work in preparing, packing, setting up plus the long hours. We managed to get through the Salmon Arm quilt show and actually found it enjoyable. The ladies who took part in the Quilted Clay Make & Take had a lot of fun and it was a great way to share with them what polymer clay was all about and hopefully spark some interest in future workshops.
Each lady went away with a quilted clay piece in the pattern and colors of their choice that was mounted on a snap. We had available a selection of snap base items for them to wear their quilted design and could add other snaps to interchange such as a necklace or our popular magnetic brooches.
Some of the items are new ideas we came up with special for the show and now have them available in our online store. One is a metal shawl or hair stick with a snap base.
Here is a kilt style brooch pin for a sweater or shawlette. The snap base has one of our clip clasps so it can be detached and worn on a chain as a necklace.
I hope you have a fast and complete recovery. Best wishes.
I wish you a speedy recovery.
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