
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Totem Inspired Salmon Pins

Here are some more salmon pins I've been making in a different style to sell at the Salute to the Sockeye at Adam's River this year.  The technique is a spin on Julie Picarello's "lizard tails" and even though each fish was created individually in the same way, no two come out exactly alike.

They are in the same bright red and green as the spawning salmon as they turn this color by the time they reach the end of their trip where they spawn.  This style was inspired by the first nations native style art in our area.  The spawning grounds where the salmon return to is very important and sacred to them.  The salmon symbolize dependability and renewal as well as a provider of food.


  1. Carolyn, Love these guys - There is such a native feel to them - perfect for the occasion. Congratulations on nailing the perfect item for your audience!

  2. Thanks so much! I am getting very excited about the Sockeye event! Will be an exciting 3 weeks!
