
Monday, September 20, 2010

Preparing for the Return of the Sockeye

I've been in full production these days preparing for the Return of the Sockeye  starting October 2nd.  There was an abundance of salmon this summer -- (millions) -- out in the Pacific ocean and a good amount of those are heading our way inland to spawn in the Adam's River.   We were fortunate to be juried into the local artisan gift shop they have set up at the log cabin there each year.  Thought I would show you how my spawning salmon pins are put together -- each one formed by hand so there are no two alike.


  1. Hi Carolyn,

    Beautiful sockeye there, I love it. (Yum!) People will, er, eat them up :)

    I also wanted to mention that I responded to your question about ring-making components over at our Rings & Things blog. Hope that helps!

    at Rings & Things

  2. Thanks Dave, I'm trying to make lots of these without getting too bored!

    Will also check out your response on your blog...

  3. Love the Sockeye Carolyn! You really have captured a lot of personality in them. Could see the guys pinning them to their hats and the ladies pinning them on their jackets and shirts.

    It was wonderful to have the return of such a big run this year. My Dad is a Commercial Fisherman, so it was very encouraging to see the numbers back!

  4. Thanks Cindy. A friend stopped by the other day and saw the fish pins and wanted to buy one right away. He loved them and wanted one for his fishing vest.

  5. How delightful!!! These are great - good luck with your sale!!!

  6. Wonderful and creative. These are great and sure to be a hit.
