
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Return of the Sockeye - Ready or Not!

After a few set-backs this past week with Dave in the hospital for four days, we still managed to have over 100 pieces of various items finished and ready to sell at the Salute to the Sockeye Event.

There is a log cabin at the local provincial park where the Salmon society are setting up a gift shop with various items from local artists.  We provided all sorts of goodies to sell including pens, magnets, jewelry, and even switch plate covers.  I created a good amount of spawning salmon pieces as well as other nature themed items.  Here is a photo of our display set-up --.  They are still working on getting the gift shop ready for it to open this Saturday so I will have more pictures for you later.

Here are some of the items we created for this event:


  1. Awesome pieces!
    Sorry to hear Dave was back in the hospital. (((hugs)))

  2. Oh Carolyn, you and Dave have been through so much this week! Getting ready for this event, with Dave being ill must have been very difficult. My heart goes out to you both. I hope you have great success at this event and that Dave heals quickly!

  3. Thanks so much Star and Cindy. We are back to the hospital again tomorrow (Friday) for another (4th) attempt of putting in a new line for Dave so he can dialyze his kidneys. We are hoping this one works and there won't be still more complications down the road.
