
Thursday, September 30, 2010

First sights of the Spawning Salmon

It was a gorgeous sunny day when Dave and I delivered our art pieces to the gift shop at the Adams river park yesterday.  We took a stroll down the path and over the several bridges to see all the salmon that were spawning and what an awesome sight it was!  The fish were much larger and more majestic than I imagined they would be.  I love their rich red and green colors they transform into by the time they reach their spawning grounds.  The fish were very active, splashing about and literally jumping out of the water.  Both male and female will guard their eggs until they eventually die.

The whole experience was very awe inspiring and with it only taking place every four years is quite exciting to not only see it up close and personal but to participate in such an event is a real privilege.  Here are a couple photos I took of the fish while there.


  1. Beautiful pictures. Amazing! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Super cool!! Thanks for the pictures!

  3. It is even more fantastic in real! I will take more photos when we go out again on Monday -- will be too crowded there over the weekend -- I will try and take a video clip next time -- I tried last time but my camera battery was low

  4. Thank you so much for posting these beautiful pictures Carolyn! I have been pretty much strapped to my computer lately and have been unable to see any of the runs this year. They really are a spectacular event to experience. Nature is incredible, isn't it!
