
Monday, April 4, 2011

The New Dynamic Views are now Active

Remember the templates I was talking about earlier?  Well they are now active and much better than I thought.  Our blogs do not change, but there are different options for viewing.

I have now activated it on our blog and you can tell by the little orange Blogger symbol in the top address bar to the right.

If you click on that Blogger symbol, a menu drops down and the reader can choose whatever viewer they would prefer.

This makes blog reading a whole new fun experience to me!  I really like the snapshot view on both of our other blogs:  Jewelry for the Home  and  Wearable Art Gallery as you can see more photos at once just like a magazine.

If you have a blog with blogger, I would recommend adding this feature to your blog and you just might get more visitors and followers.  You can read more about it here.  To activate it for your own blog, just go here and click on the install button and google automatically loads it in seconds.  Your original blog will not change -- it just adds the new extra optional feature.


  1. I really like this dynamic view option but, I had to install app to my own Google Chrome browser in order to see your blog with it. When I didn't have it installed I couldn't see the option button.

    I think this app is for people to use on any Blogger blog to view them in a different manner, blogs that they don't own that is. It would be nice for this option to be enabled by the blog owner, so the customers or readers don't have to install an app and it would be viewable by other browsers also.

    -Leslie S.
    San Jose, CA

  2. I am not 100% sure, but I think if the owner adds /view to the end of their URL, others will be able to see the blog in different views.

  3. I could not see the new views nor did I have the extra view option. I am not installing any other apps. I hope this helps with your number of viewers but I don't know it it will. I am very glad it doesn't change the original blogs. I was worried about that because I didn't like it. Connie :)

  4. I think you are able to see the views on certain web browsers. Also, you can view anyones blog (as long as it is a blogger type) if you type /view after the web address.

    I really like it as it gives a quick overall view of the whole blog and isn't so time consuming, scrolling down all the time. It is also great when looking for a particular blog post and you can't remember the tile or tags and you don't have to keep scrolling back to find it. I've done it several times looking for blog posts as references on my own blog.

    I'm sure more people will catch on to it and it's uses but will take a little time.
