
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blog Debris Day

Blogger announced there will be five new template layouts they will be adding to use on our blogs and you can read more about it here.

This is an exciting and fresh new approach that I think will add more fun to blog reading.  There are pros and cons to each of them but what I like is that you can view older blog posts at a glance without having to scroll back from page to page.

I personally like the flipcard, sidebar and snapshots the best and find the other two slightly confusing.  I  want to keep our blog simple and easy to read but fun as well.

Click on each of the links below that I set up for the different views of this blog and let me know which one(s) you prefer:


  1. Same as you. I knew of the new design features but haven't play with them. I find snapshot and side bar more useful than the others. The flipcard is also nice. The other two: mosaic and timeslide...?! Not sure what they're good for.

  2. Barb A. in VictoriaApril 3, 2011 at 9:07 AM

    I like Sidebar - it's nice to see the thumbnail and get the text without having to scroll...

  3. I like the flip card and sidebar. The snapshop one is weird because it took several pics from your tutorial on tube beads so you see that one over and over rather than seeing references to other posts. And what happens to all the links and widgets that were available in other templates. Can you still have those?

  4. I have to agree with you Cynthia on that one as that was the thing that I didn't care for on the snapshot one. Now if the snapshot was set up like the flipcard with the first photo showing only, I would like that.

    I believe you will still be able to see the links and widgets as well -- I think they are just testing it right now and getting feedback. You can fill out the survey that is on the article I have a link to.

  5. I like sidebar the best of all of them but timeslide wasn't bad. The thing is that they all show your work off better but I think you lose the personal touch.

  6. I don’t bookmark sites but i will bookmark this! LOL!

