
Friday, January 28, 2011

Blog Debris Friday

We've enjoyed reading all the comments coming in for our give away contest.  Keep them coming as the cut-off is this evening and you still have time.

I thought I would share something each week that I find amazing or inspiring through my web surfing and exploring.

When I saw how this house was redecorated my heart skipped a beat and it was love at first sight!  It reminded me of some of the homes we had while living in Mexico with all the rich colors and tile work.

Click on the photos to read the article and see more eye popping photos.

We will be adding more color with some polymer clay tiles to our walls in the spring and seeing these photos really makes me want to get right at it!


  1. The fireplace is to die for. I wish I had the courage to add a strong mosaic touch like that to my house.
    Deb Groom

  2. I should post some photos of the houses we lived in Mexico. The local Mexicans loved all the color and tile we decorated with and told us how muy Mexicano it was! Some of our family that visited were in shock for days after! lol!
