
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Announcing the Winner of our Lace Heart Pendant Give-a-Way

It was really great getting to meet some of our followers who left comments on our give away blog post the last few days.  It was very encouraging hearing the wonderful feedback and we are glad you've enjoyed our blog so far.

We made a draw this morning from all the names and are happy to announce the winner of our Lace Heart Pendant is .....

Bonnie from B-LEE KREATIONS....   Congratulations Bonnie!  We have e-mailed you and just need you to send us your mailing address.

The One World One Heart begins tomorrow.  It is an event for bloggers to meet one another from around the globe and we have several items we will be giving away this year.

P.S.  Thanks Bonnie for getting back so quick and so glad we made your day!


  1. Carolyn, thank you so much. I'm so excited. Love your work and your blog and your tutorials.

    I'll wear it with pride and show it off at the Gem show in Tucson.
    Tell whoever picked my name that I said thanks.

  2. I like your work very much!!! They are all beautiful......

  3. How cool! Bonnie joined the Smooshers today too. =)

  4. Yes, that is cool. Bonnie just told me after I e-mailed her to tell her she had won. What a lucky gal, heh?!

  5. Carolyn all of your work is beautiful and it's so nice of you to share tutorials with us.

    Hugs XX
