
Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 3 at the World Masters

We had another long but enjoyable day today at the World Masters.  This is a photo from a "bird's eye view" of our booths.  We are set up in one of the Kamloops University gymnasiums where all the athletes come to register for each event and return to see their results so we see many of them several times throughout the week and is nice to hear how they did.  Many of the athletes use to compete in the Olympics and now continue on competing in the World Masters.  I met a lady close to my age with her 86 year old mother from Germany who told me they were both competing in several events.

With so many languages, there are official translators who volunteer for this event.  There are more than 20 of them that travel around to all the Masters Indoor and Outdoor Championships to volunteer in this capacity.

I spoke with a University student from Japan who is volunteering as a translator.  She was interested in the clay jewelry and how it was made.  She was really surprised to see the Japanese writing I showed her on the blocks of Kato clay we had on display and said she had never seen anything like it before.

We really got to know some Austrians and Australians today and we will work our way through the alphabet throughout the week!

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