
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

4th Day at the World Masters

Wow!  What another great day!  It was really exciting talking to more of the athletes today.  I asked one gentleman who was shopping for a gift to take home to his wife if he knew what type of jewelry she wears.  He told me they have been married for over 60 years and he knew exactly what she likes.  I thought that was so sweet and he looked quite young and energetic to be married that long!  He then told me he won several medals yesterday and one was his first gold.  He was quite excited and I think I was just as excited for him!

Dave and I took a couple of breaks to sneak away and watch some of the events.  We were both impressed by the excellent facilities at the University and how everything is so organized.  With so many people and different languages, it is amazing how everything seems to be running so smoothly (from our point of view, anyhow).

Today we sold to someone from Barbados -- he bought some of our handcrafted beads to take home to his sister who makes jewelry.  We also sold to someone from Finland and Germany both shopping for gifts for their wives and daughters.  We really do seem to be working our way through the alphabet!   I wonder who will be coming by tomorrow?!   We can hardly wait!

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