
Friday, July 17, 2009

Spring Bouquet Hair Barrette

The forth piece I entered into the Shuswap Lake Festival of the Arts is this Skewer Hair Barrette.  I've made a variety of these barrettes of which most of them ended up in my own personal collection since I love wearing them and now have a style to go with almost any outfit! Most of them started out as prototypes as I was working out the best size, shape and style.  I feel I have now mastered that part and now have some to sell that will be listed in our Art Fire Studio soon.

Since this barrette was submitted to a juried art show, I made it a little more special with the 3-d effect.  The barrette form was made first and baked separately and then each tulip and leaf are slices from canes I created and then carefully place and applied on top.  I embedded a few Swarovski crystals on the "ribbon" part of the barrette and a much larger jet black Swarovski crystal into the centre of the tulip on the skewer.

I've been looking for ways to photograph and present my skewer style hair barrettes when I met Ali.  She is a bubbly energetic entrepreneur and is really into hair.  She is starting up her own business, Alluring Lengths, specializing in natural and synthetic hair extensions that come in almost any style and color imaginable.    She was kind enough to loan me this hair piece to show off my barrette for the show.


  1. That's great! I'm so jealous of anyone who has hair! Even bobby pins slide right out of my thin fine hair. Next incarnation I'm going to have a lion mane! :D

  2. LOL Moe...Me too! Great looking barrette. And I know what you mean about stuff going into your personal collection. Last week when they asked for something purple, I had nothing to show because I have hoarded every single purple thing I've made! Ooohh my precious, my precious :)

  3. I use to be like that -- then I let my hair grow into the barrettes. Had shorter hair most of my life and then discovered I could wear pony tails if it was longer. Now I don't want to go back to short hair since I love wearing all the different barrettes! It was too boring the other way!

    Hmmm -- funny how we make things in our favorite colors -- and then hoard them! hee hee!

  4. Hair Barrette put right can make you look and feel ten years younger. No matter what your preference for a hair style may be, a well thought out style for your formal event will make sure you turn heads and leave an impact on everyone there.
