
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Keeping up

Since changing my website platform to a new company I quit sending out regular newsletters from there.  I am finally at the point where I am starting up again and so if your name was on the previous list and you would like to continue subscribing, then I would suggest going to our website here and when the pop-up appears, register again.  This way you won't miss out on any new items, events or special promotions I am offering.

Another way to follow me is to sign up to my blog.  There is a button on the right hand side to fill in your e-mail address and my blog posts will go direct to your inbox each time I do a post.  Some of my special offers are for specific "groups" or promoted only through my website newsletter, however, so you might want to sign up for both if you do not want to miss out.

So speaking of a special offer.  I thought I would share this one here this time for those who did not receive our most recent newsletter.  Have a great week!

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