
Friday, January 22, 2016

Pantone Spring 2016 Fashion Colors

It is that time of year again to mix up some new Pantone fashion colors for spring.  I know many of our followers look forward to these clay recipes I share and try to get them out to you as early as possible.  I understand that some of our readers are not into the latest fashion colors and prefer to use  whatever works for them.  That is great and we do that too but I find mixing up each season's new colors can be very inspiring and forces us to create fresh and new combinations.

Polymer Clay Chips in the Pantone Spring 2016 Fashion Colors
We have also found that using the latest Pantone fashion colors that come out twice a year (spring and fall) in our work keeps things more up-to-date not only with our line of jewelry but with our other fashion items such as buttons and shawl pins.  We deal directly with several quilt and yarn shops and see the latest Pantone colors in the new yarns or quilt fabrics on their shelves.

This week I will share with you the clay recipes for the Pantone Spring 2016 fashion colors using Kato Polyclay along with some interesting ways to combine them.

1 comment:

  1. Oh you're such a tease!!!! I've been dying for this for weeks now, lol :P

    Can't wait, and thank you so much for sharing!
