
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pretty In Pink Awesomer in Orange

I never considered myself an "orange" type person until we decided to paint a feature wall in our dining/living area in "Spiced Pumpkin".

But the Pantone Spring color, Tangerine Tango is a cheery shade of orange with a hint of pink.

While mixing up this yummy color my brain was conjuring up all sorts of combinations and uses for this shade.  I kept imagining floral bouquets of gerbera daisies, tulips and poppies.

I created several clay blends combining both the Tangerine Tango and Cabaret with a yellow (Solar Power).

I then used these blends to create this floral shawl pin which is now listed in our Etsy shop.

I was also experimenting with a new texture sheet I bought using the sutton slice technique to create some fun new buttons with left over pieces of my blends.

So I have two recipes to share with you for the Tangerine Tango using Kato polyclay.  My original recipe has a lot of pearl so makes a great mica shift.

Tangerine Tango
(Mica Shift)

8 parts orange
1 part magenta
8 parts pearl

If you do not want to use so much pearl, you can substitute it with a smaller amount of white mixed with transluscent.  Here is a 2nd recipe I created using some of my white mix along with the pearl so it still has a nice shimmer to it.

Tangerine Tango

8 parts orange
1 part magenta
5 parts pearl
3 parts white mix #1-2*

Tomorrow I will share with you the clay recipe for the bright yellow, Solar Power.

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