
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Back from our Etsy Artisan Show in Westwold

We had a great time at our Summer Artisan Show in Westwold yesterday.  We were so exhausted after so much talking and visiting.  Here is a photo of our set-up.  We are finally getting things more streamlined so set-up and take-down is smoother and quicker these days.

It was fun meeting a lot of our on-line friends that were there along with other Etsy sellers in our area we hadn't discovered yet.  There was a variety of artists which made the show very diversified.

I managed to get a few photos in between customers and visiting.  This is Ellie from Felt The Fluff.  She organized the show and got all of us together.  She does sculptural needle felting and her polar bear family is so adorable!

This is Deb from Paxton Valley Folk Art.  Her space was across from ours and was really great getting to know her and see her beautiful handmade creations.  She also sells patterns for her original designs as well as fabric flowers like the daffodils shown here.

This is Bryan from Bras Art Gallery who was right next to us.  He does pencil and graphite pencil drawings that are just out of this world.  He was working on a ballerina drawing throughout the day and was so inspiring to see it take form.

Bryan's wife, Siana of Sinderblu Studio, was next to us as well but I missed getting a photo of her.  She makes beautiful hand embroidered cards as well as does gorgeous hand weaving.

This is Linda of Views by Linda Photography.  She is a talented photographer and her photographs are amazingly beautiful.

I picked up this cute messenger bag in denim and vintage paisley fabric from Christine of CW Designs.  Her Etsy shop is called Christines For Tea and she makes all sorts of hand-sewn items.

And this is Sophie from Lili Simone Designs.  I was having fun kidding her about whether she was working hard or hardly working!  lol!  

It was also great to see one of our Okanagan Etsy group leaders, Becka of Gingerurchin, come out to support and visit with everyone.  

All in all, it was a great day and we are looking forward to another event such as this one!


  1. Thanks for everything everybody. Siana and I had a great time and met lots of new friends.
    Amazing talent at this show.

    First time we've been to Westwold and everyone made us feel right at home.

    Thanks everyone, I hope we see you all again.

    All the best .... Bryan

  2. Wonderful blog reporting! It was great to meet you all!


  3. You are welcome! It was a pleasure to meet you as well and hope we will see each other again sometime which I'm sure we will!

  4. Thank you so much for all the kind words, it was my pleasure to have met everyone,time flew by and I didn't get to talk to every one as much as I would have liked! We should all meet for lunch one day!?

  5. Since I cannot comment on the smoosher's blog I want to tell you that your kite necklace is very nice. It seams to fly on hte skin! Love the isea.

  6. Thank-you so much Louise! I love the pun!

  7. Lovely write up of the day's events, Carolyn. It was great to meet everyone and see their talents up close and in person - hopefully next time I'll have a stall alongside you. Also, thanks again for allowing me to use your photos on my blog :) Hope to see you again very soon!

  8. Hardly working! Not hard at work: that was during the weeks leading to the event ;) But there was no time to be working during the sale: I was too busy getting to know all of you! Enjoy the weekend, and good luck with the Summer shows coming!


  9. Thanks so much for this great post about our Westwold Show, it was such a pleasure meeting you and your hubby! Hope we can all get together and do it again soon, what a talented group of artisans! Deb
