
Thursday, April 21, 2011

More new tutorials available soon

I have two more tutorials that I am finishing up right now and should be ready soon.  Here is a sneak peek of what is to come:



There seems to be a lot more polymer clay lessons available today but knowledge is a good thing and anything we can share and learn from each other helps to spark our creativity as well as  improve our work in some way.  More people are exploring the wonders of polymer clay and we are just at that leading edge of some more really great discoveries down the road.

In case you've wondered if my lessons are worth the cost, I thought I would share a recent comment I received (shameless self-promotion) that really made my day. 

"Carolyn, I could easily write a paragraph on what I think of your tutorials. From the quality of your photos, wonderful instructions, all the extra suggestions and color breakdowns, the fact that you don't waste our ink with background colors, the easy to read typeface, and not to forget the fact that you have kept the cost down. To sum it up Wonderful Techniques and Quality Quality Quality!!!"

And here is another one:

"You do such a wonderful job of simplifying each process and attaching a succinct explanation to a photo that is almost self-explanatory!  Marvelous work!

It is very rewarding when we receive so many wonderful comments from those who have purchased our tutorials.

And another note in case you are wondering, I provide both the imperial and metric measures, whenever possible, so they are user friendly, no matter what type you are familiar with.


  1. I have purchased two of your tutorials and totally agree. They are very easy to follow and very well done! Thank you for sharing your techniques!

  2. I look forward to your new tutorials.
