
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Buttons Now Available at Heather's Fabric Shelf

Now that my Switch Plate Cover Ups tutorial is finished, I'm back to making more buttons since I'm out of stock at the moment and need to catch up on some more orders.

I'm also happy to announce that our buttons are now available at Heather's Fabric Shelf in Kamloops, B.C.  My chin nearly hit the floor when I walked into Heather's shop.  It was like walking into a fabric candy store!  Sewing was my first muse and I still love to sew.  It is difficult for me to walk into a fabric store like hers and not leave without a piece of fabric in some rich color or pattern.  My dream is to combine my sewing more with my work in polymer clay.

Heather's Fabric Shelf is also holding their 3rd annual Quilt Show and Tell this Sunday (April 10) which should be a fun event to attend.

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