
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Artists at Work Show in Chase

We had a fun day today at our local Artists at Work show here in our town of Chase where we all did live demonstrations of our talents.

Here Diane Jansson is hard at work at her sewing machine.  She creates beautiful quilted pieces and is world renowned for her work and teaching skills.

Norm Brielsman is a wood carver and his birds are so lifelike.  We gave him a hard time about his space being the messiest and gave him the tiled floor space to work!

This is Jan Seedhouse with me.  She weaves gorgeous shawls and scarves on her loom and I finally broke down and bought the shawl type poncho I am wearing.  I so love the colors in it and now I have to make a jewelry set to match!

And of course here is my work area -- I'm not there since I took the photo!  ha!

I did manage to get a bit of work done in between all the visiting and talking.


  1. What a fun group of artisans. I love the shawl.

  2. Looks like a fun place to hang out! Love the shawl too....

  3. I really love the shawl too! I've been wanting one from Jan for some time now but was always hard to decide which one to buy!

    This was a fun type show and group. It was a chance for people in our town to see first hand how our pieces are made and get more interest going. We are thinking about doing it again sometime.
