
Friday, March 18, 2011

Our forever Yours series

I'm never one that likes sitting around and just "waiting".  If I'm standing in line at a grocery store for instance, you will find me taking advantage of the few moments and thumbing through any of the magazines at the stand that catch my interest.

I also keep a notebook in my purse for other times when I am sitting and waiting so I can constantly make lists of what I need to do or jot down any inspirations for my clay that come to mind.

The other day Dave was describing to me an idea he had for a necklace design.  We were waiting at Mr. Lube and so I decided to do some sketching in my trusty notebook I had along and this is what we came up with:

The real test was to put it into clay and we decided to name it our "forever Yours" series.



I love how things turn out just like you planned but even better.  I have a piece similar to these for myself to wear and I received so many comments on it, I think it is a keeper.


  1. Great Job...Love the new design and name...

  2. wowo, I love this, it is a great work. congratulations

  3. That's really beautiful! I love how the design turned out in the real pieces. Oh, I'm the same way with waiting. I always have something packed in my bag to do while I a book, write in a notebook...etc.

  4. Great design! I wanted to say that I finally had a chance to look at your Color System Tute that I bought. It's SUPER! I am actually going to follow all the steps. :) Thanks for making it for us. I recommend it HIGHLY! If you want to move this to a more appropriate place, please do. I couldn't see where I should write this. :D

  5. Thanks Moe! I have received some excellent feedback from the Color System Tute and I am glad I finally got around to doing it even though it took a lot of work and thought.

    I will added your comment to a blog post I did on it some time ago.
