
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cowboy Festival & New Website

We now have two days of the Cowboy Festival under our belts with one more to go.  I planned to do a blog post yesterday but we both arrived home totally exhausted.  We are pretty tired tonight as well so I thought I would show you a photo of our booth and then share more with you about everything later.

This is the map of where our space is located.  There is a talent show running most of the time so we are entertained with some talented country western musicians.

I should also mention that we have now launched our new website in time for this big event which you can see here.  It is still in the early stages of setting up but the basics are all there.

Time now for some shut eye as we have another busy day tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Your booth looks both elegant and inviting. I hope you have lots of sales!
