
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Lizard Tail Pieces

I have some tips to share with you on my texture tube beads but I'm not quite ready yet so in the meantime I thought I would show you some of our new pieces we created for our Country Charm Collection.  These boot bracelets are made using the Lizard Tail technique Julie Picarello taught at a workshop I attended.

I was also experimenting with some matching scarf slides using the same technique.

I love the "lizard tail" look and am excited to discover more designs using it.


  1. I like these! I am not a boot girl but these make me rethink that!

  2. Great product and beautiful. Perfect for your cowboy festival.

  3. I make a lot of lizard tails, but never thought of boot chains! How clever you are! Beautifully done! I love your blog and never miss it. I also appreciate your sharing of product info and techniques. Thanks so much. -Marlene

  4. Thanks everyone. We get so little comments here these days is nice to know if people are enjoying our blog posts or not. We appreciate hearing from you all!

  5. wow!!i love lizards!got a lizard tattoo on my back!!
    just found your blog!really cool!following!take care!

  6. Excellent blog.Thanks to share this blog.
