
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Creating Your Own Custom Color Wheels

Do you find color theory complicated?  Do you have a difficult time finding the right color combinations?   I love mixing up new colors and below is a sample of one of my own rainbow-type blends.  I like to call them my own "Custom Color Wheels".  They are fun to make and and open up so many possibilities for mixing and combining colors.

Here are some pieces I made with the colors from the above chart:

In my color tutorial I will show you how to create your own Custom Color Wheels where you will find mixing up new colors and creating color blends not only fun but inspiring.

I will also teach you how to create a step blend -- like this:

And turn it into canes like so:

Then record it for later reference

These color charts take very little clay and are so quick and easy to make, you will have more time to get right into your projects.

All this (and more) will be available very soon!


  1. Awesome. Can't wait until it is available.

  2. Love the colors!!

    When are these color wheel available??

  3. I am looking forward to hearing more!

  4. I'm just finishing up with the final editing and details so should be ready soon.

    Stephanie, the color wheel is part of the tutorial which I will include the one I showed here plus how you can make more of your own. They are a lot of fun to do and is a cool way of discovering new colors.

  5. I need help!~ I just got a really good opportunity but I have to make a color called deep jewel teal, i saw you has a pendant that matched that description but I have blended and blended and cannot get that color/any suggestions?
