
Monday, October 11, 2010

Update on the Salmon Festival

We made a trip out to the Adams River today to restock the display in the gift shop as we knew items were either sold out or getting low.  This was our 4th time we needed to add more pieces and the festival is only one third over.  We decided to go out early and beat the crowd since it is our Thanksgiving holiday today.  Were we in for a shock when we arrived at 8:00 am.  There were already half dozen tour buses plus many private cars parked.  The gift shop wasn't open yet so I had my chance to take a few photos.

Was a little crisp but a beautiful sunny morning so thought we'd take a walk down the paths and view the salmon again.    We were amazed at how many people were there that early in the morning already!  As a matter of fact there are thousands of visitors every day with well over 100,000 visitors expected over the 3 week period of the festival.

Here are some tourists on one of the viewpoints overlooking the river.

There were more fish this time and the river is getting crowded.

The current in the water is very strong and the fish really struggle to maintain their guarding spot over the eggs they laid.  They will keep guarding their nest until they finally die.  Here is a fish trying to guard its eggs and we watched it chase several other fish away from its nest, all the while fighting the strong river current.

We have a few more photos posted on our facebook fan page so feel free to check them out there...

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your sale!!! And thank you for showing the area. What a gorgeous place. And I´m so amazed by the color of the salmon. Gosh - in Norway they are grey on the outside. This is more fun...
