
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Studio Redo - Finally Done!

Except for one wall that needs a coat of paint (I want a second color), here is the studio now finally finished.

We now have 3 work type tables and a display area in the room.  The first table here is our beading and finishing table.  I finally made room for my sewing machine so I wouldn't have to pull it out from a cupboard each time I want to use it.  The photo light box is on the table I showed earlier at the one end.

This is the main clay table.  The little bookshelf to the left holds more containers full of canes and other stuff.

This is our second clay table with the glass top.  We use the front half as part jewelry display.

Another view of the 2 clay tables from the entrance of the room.  Also a mini display area that can be easily taken apart to use in any shows we are in.

The white wall showing is the only one I didn't paint yet.  Still deciding on the second color -- most likely a type of burnt orange or green.  All this is in a 11' x 11' room so is amazing what can fit!  It may appear a little crowded when in fact it feels quite open and there is a lot of room to move around.  Dave and I feel we can both be together in there and not trip over each other any more.


  1. enjoyed visiting your site, great job

  2. Wow Carolyn, you did it! You must feel a great sense of relief to be finished and into a organized and functional space. You have inspired me to do at least one thing per day in my studio to get better organized. Little by little it will eventually get done! :-)

  3. Thanks! And yes I do feel very satisfied! I love organizing but this was a fairly big task but feels a whole lot better. You have to just set aside a day or so and really go to it. Now I can get back to what I really enjoy doing and that is claying!

  4. All well sorted, what a nice working place !
