
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Cinco de Mayo

Today is Cinco de Mayo (Mexico Independence day) and Dave and I began to reminisce of the time we lived in Mexico.  We have so many fond memories of our years spent there and with so many wonderful friends we made that were like family.

I was going through our photos and found a few to share with you:

This is the "Rio Caliente" that we loved to go and spend the day to relax.  It was basically a river that flowed directly from some underground hot springs.  The water was extremely hot in some areas and very comfortably warm in other spots.  Our dogs, Chewy and Rufus, went everywhere with us and they especially loved the warm water.

We lived in the interior of Mexico but loved taking our vacations to the coast.  Here is a photo of Dave and I with a friend's pet iguana.

And here is a new family of clay gecko's that are not like the real thing of course but in a fun amethyst purple and lime green.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!


  1. Carolyn, thanks for the nice comments on my blog. I didn't think I would ever finish that necklace but that DVD I bought "Beaded Crochet" with Ann Benson made it all come together along with the fact that I wrapped the beads around my left hand while I was working and that made it much easier. I'm starting another one because it's so easy to take it with where ever you go, like doctor's offices. Love your blog and Mexico pictures and thanks for all the tutorials.

  2. Loved seeing your Mexican photos, especially of Rio Caliente (and the iguana). Our blog sites have similar themes today. Viva Mexico!

  3. Happy Cinco de Mayo right back at ya! I loved getting to know you a little more and hearing about your life in Mexico. I bet you really miss it sometimes! Very cute little iguanas. Now I get why you love them so much!

  4. Great photographs! Thank you for your kind wishes in your comment, we are settling in well and can't quite believe we're not on holiday! xo
