
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Variation on the Extruded Swirl Cane Tutorial

I've been working on some color and extruder variations since I shared the last tutorial with you.  I used a three color combination this time -- A thin sheet of black (#4 setting on the pasta machine) and a layer each of Turquoise and my own color mix of copper (both #2 thickness on the past machine).    I also experimented with a couple more dies.  It was my first time using the large square die from a set I recently purchased and the pattern came out almost the same as the small square except it was actually easier to extrude.

Here are a few pieces I created with my new canes ready to bake.


  1. wow :O
    love it! love it!
    brilliant but I must confess that I prefere black and white cane

  2. Wonderful - the teardrop is a great way of doing the flower canes that I hate so much.

    Pretty, pretty!

    Where did you get the large square disc?

  3. I love it! I like it even more with the colors.

  4. I like how the different colors came out as well - it was fun to experiment with them.

    Sandy, the large square die came from a second set that you buy for the Makins extruder. Shades of Clay sells it. I was in Michaels the other day and they had one set on clear-out for real cheap so couldn't resist.

  5. They look great. I am going to have to give it a go. So what's next?

  6. Carolyn, I love the cane in the teardrop form. I will have to give this a try if i have the teardrop. It makes a beautiful flower. You are the so talented...

  7. Un grand merci pour votre tuto gratuit. Inutile de dire que je vais rapidement essayer car ça me semble tellement simple, il fallait y penser.
    Bravo amicalement
