
Monday, April 19, 2010

Some yummy colors

We are on vacation this week and enjoying some time relaxing and visiting with family.  Of course I had to make myself some new pieces to wear on our trip.  I have a matching watch bracelet that goes with  this choker, earrings and hair barrette but didn't get it put together yet.  I can't seem to take a holiday without taking some things with me so I don't get bored, so packed some reading material as well as some beads to assemble a few jewelry pieces.  Will show more of those new pieces later.


  1. very nice ..I like your hande made

  2. Wow what a neat set. I hope you have a great vacation.

    I had to chuckle when I read the bit about having to take some stuff with you so you don't get bored - I always take a tonne of stuff just in case I get some time and rarely manage to do anything. Mind I am usually running round after my kids, hopefully as they get older I will get more time.

  3. I wish you very nice hollidays, it's a good thing to bring out some things to assemble any news pieces of jewellery. I hope to see that in a few days
