
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Some New Tutorials Coming

We've been getting a lot of positive feedback from the tutorials I've provided here on this blog.  I am so glad that many of you have not only appreciated them but have even tried them out.  I plan to still provide some free tips and tutorials now and then but I've also been working on some new ones that I will be making available for sale.  I'm excited to announce that I have been approved as a Teacher for both Jewelry Lessons and Clay Lessons.  I've been busy writing some new tutorials that will be available soon through these two sites as well as our Etsy Shop.  I thought I would give you a sneak preview on what is to come:

I love to make watch bracelets that match my other jewelry and accessories and found a simple and fun way to make them interchangeable without using lobster claws.  The design looks elegant yet is very secure.  I have been wearing this type of watch bracelet for over a year now and have never had any problems but have received many compliments.  We presented them for sale at our last show at the World Masters and they were a real hit.

There are several styles of beads I like to create to use for these watch bracelets.  Tutorials on how to make these will also be available soon through Clay Lessons and our Etsy shop.  These beads also look  great in other jewelry designs such as bracelets, necklaces and earrings as well.


  1. I love the beads - but you mentioned watch bracelet. How do you attach a watch? The ones I've seen require two strands of beads...

  2. Ahhh --- that is the secret! It is a prototype I've been experimenting with for over a year now. As soon as my tutorial is reviewed at Jewelry Lessons, all will be revealed!

  3. Can't wait to purchase and try. Keep us posted.
