
Saturday, March 6, 2010

World Masters Finale!

What a great week we had!  Our show was such a success in so many ways.  We had such a fun and fantastic time meeting and talking with so many wonderful people.  For the last few days, they relocated the medal ceremonies over to our area so we were fortunate to share the experience as well.  We were even singing along with the many national anthems being played each time a gold medal was awarded.  It was very uplifting and such an emotional experience.

We kept a list of the many different countries of the athletes that made purchases from us . . .

Austria, Australia, Barbados, Bulgaria, Canada (5 provinces), China, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Mexico, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine,
U.S. (7 states)

I feel like one of my favorite TV characters (Quark from Deep Space Nine ) where a little piece of me is being distributed around the globe -- but I didn't have to die first. lol !


  1. I'm so glad that you had a great time! I read this blog post to my husband and we are sitting here laughing. We are also Star Trek fans and Deep Space Nine is his favorite.

  2. WOW it sounds like you had a fabulous time :) It would be nice to someday be able to do something like that. :)
