
Monday, February 15, 2010

Announcing our One World One Heart Winner

You might be wondering why we haven't posted who the winner is of our heart brooch-pendant yet.  We e-mailed the winner and they have not responded to our e-mail yet.  We said we would give 24 hours to get back and if not, we would do another draw.  So if we do not hear anything, we will be contacting a new winner in the morning so don't give up hope yet -- you still have a chance.

Hopefully the winner will be announced for sure tomorrow.  Stay tuned.


The winner of our Heart brooch-pendant missed the e-mail we sent at first but she did contact us back in time.  Congratulations to Lemondropvintage !


  1. That is a stunning piece. Hope the winner contacts in time, she will be devasted to lose the chance to own it.

  2. That heart brooch is just gorgeous! I hope I'm not the winner and missed the email 'cause that truly would be devastating, but...if I'm not then I hope I'm the one you draw in the morning!

  3. It's me it's me it's me! And I hope you received my email with the address, I missed your first notification somehow! But I am dancing around the computer with this one.

  4. Sorry Barbara -- maybe next time! Congratulations Lemondrop Marie! Yes we did receive your e-mail. We just e-mailed you back for you to choose the color and size of the softglass cord you prefer that is included.

  5. What a beautiful piece! I just found your etsy shop. Gorgeous work. I'll be sure to stop back again. Warmest regards, Susan

  6. Lucky winner! I love that brooch and of course entered for it. ;-)

    We're having a giveaway at my blog and That Creative Place blog (the link is on my site) since we missed the deadline for OWOH. I hope you come on over..
