
Saturday, February 27, 2010

First day at the World Masters Indoor Championships 2010

We had our first day at the World Masters Indoor Championships today.  It wasn't too busy yet as only some of the expected 1600 athletes arrived and the remainder will be arriving tomorrow.

I thought it was so cool to see all the flags on the wall at the registration table with 62 countries represented.  The U.S. and Canadian spots were there as well -- I just couldn't fit them all into the photograph.

Here is our booth set-up.  Everything seemed to fit just nicely with some extra space for more designs.  I even have a nice little work station in the back corner.

We are extremely exhausted and have another early morning tomorrow so will show you more photos later.


  1. hope you have a Great time,, and if you little fishie pins are there,, hope you have to put up a SOLD OUT SIGN!!!

  2. I too hope you have a fantastic time in your booth, and a very profitable one!

  3. Wishing you many sales! Your booth looks great! Love how you use shirts for display, very smart :)
    Have to tell a total convert and been glued to the TV all through the Olympics. Best ever!!

  4. Thanks so much! Had a good sleep last night and printing off last minute things before we head off. Yes we have been loving the Olympics as well. We have always enjoyed them but nothing compared to this year!

    It has been exciting meeting many of the athletes arriving yesterday and hearing all the different languages. Most of the people we did meet were volunteers such as translators and tour guides so will meet more people today and Monday the games begin so should be busier with more people. Will keep you all posted.

  5. Fun to see your lovely setup. Hope you make many new friends and many sales. I like the hanging display shirts.
