
Monday, January 11, 2010

New metallic jewel-tone buttons

Well I finally finished my series of new buttons and they are now listed in our Etsy shop.  These buttons are formed from my own moulds that I made myself and then mica powders were applied to give them the rich metallic jewel-tone colors.  The buttons are then sealed with a glaze for a permanent shiny finish.

I had a lot of fun making these and experimenting with various color combinations.  I'm working on a new style of bead along this line as well.  I should have them ready to share with you in a day or so.


  1. I love looking in at what you're creating! Thank you for inspiring me! There is a little award waiting for you to collect on my blog! Thank again, Marie xx

  2. These are spectacular! Wonderful. One of my favourites of your work.

  3. These buttons are especially pretty! I have not been inspired to make buttons with my polymer. Until now, that is! Thanks for showing these beauties and getting my ideas flowing...

  4. Your buttons are gorgeous. I have to make 52 buttons for a swap. Will you share how you got those perfect button holes in there? Want to sell me the tutorial for the beads? I'll pay, no problem, they are beautiful.

  5. Thanks so much.

    When I make my buttons I use my own template I created as a guide and then poke marks before baking. Each hole is then carefully drilled by hand after baking. Is a little more work this way but they don come out a lot nicer.

    About the beads -- did you mean the jewel-tone lentil beads? I've been toying with the idea of making a tutorial for those -- anyone else interested?

  6. I was talking about the buttons but I love the beads just as much. A tutorial on the beads would be great. I'm sure you will sell lots of them. I put your blog on my blog and all my friends send me emails asking how you do those things, so, a tutorial would be great.

  7. A tutorial for the beads and the buttons would be great. I'm sure you would sell a ton of those.

    I put your blog on my blog list. My friends keep asking me how you do those things and I said I would find out. So, time for a tutorial. Thanks for the info about the button holes. That makes sense. I usually put the holes in my pendants after I bake them.

  8. Well, I guess I will have to put that together -- I have a special tutorial coming up for a unique design to use the beads so I guess I will have to do a tutorial on making the beads.

  9. I love these beads! So good to find you through Magic Carpet Ride..
