
Thursday, January 7, 2010

My New Toy

We bought a lightbox today.  It happened to be on sale and I can't wait to try it out tomorrow.

It is suppose to help with taking better photos.  I feel our photos aren't too terrible but there is always room for improvement.  When we set up our new studio last year we had windows placed in the corner where there is no direct sun but plenty of natural light.

This was working out fine, however there are only certain times in the day when the lighting is the most optimal for picture taking and the photos weren't as consistent as I would like.  I'm hoping this lightbox will not only improve my photos but also help save me some time in editing afterwards as well.

So we will put it to the test and see....


  1. Wow that is incredible

  2. Do let us know how well it works. We need to do something about our photos as well.

  3. Hi Cindy, Yes, I'm experimenting with it right now and I will show some photos to compare later today. I'm hoping for some feedback to see if everyone can notice a difference. If you are Canadian, the lightbox is still on sale at London Drugs until Jan 17.
