
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tutorial - Stringing a Tile Bracelet with 2 Holes

I showed earlier how to string a stretch tile bracelet.  This time I will give a tutorial on stringing a tile bracelet using flex wire and a clasp.  Most of the tile beads I create are double sided so they can be reversible like the ones shown below:


To determine the finished length of your bracelet, wrap a cloth or flexible measuring tape loosely around your wrist.  If you do not have this type of measuring tape, you can always print one out .  This is your wrist measurement but you do not want the bracelet to fit too tight so add a little extra to a fit that you prefer.

I like to lay my tile beads out with the spacer beads between so I can see how they look and how many I will need to make my bracelet.

You need to decide what type of clasp you would like to use - there are many options.  I like a toggle clasp myself which is what I will be using here.

Cut your flex wire (I'm using a 49 strand softflex in clear) double the length of your bracelet adding a 3-4  inches for finishing.  Thread a crimp bead onto one end of your flex wire, thread the wire through the T section of your toggle clasp and back again through the crimp bead.  Crimp the bead using your crimping pliers.

I like to add a crimp cover but this is optional.

Thread several small seed beads and one spacer bead onto the wire.  You need just enough seed beads so the toggle clasp will fasten easily when the T part is inserted.

Add the remaining tile and spacer beads all the way down one side.

When you get to the end, finish with a spacer bead, insert the other half of the toggle and another spacer bead going back into the 2nd hole of the end tile.


Another option is to use a beaded loop instead along with a button or the T part of a toggle like I'm doing here:

Thread the flex wire back through the other side of the tiles to the other end.  You will want to check the size and fit at this point before you finish it off completely.

Finish off with a spacer bead and small seed beads using the same amount as the beginning.  Add a crimp bead, thread the flex wire through the clasp and back through the crimp bead again.

Finish off by threading the wire tail through the beads and trim.  Add a crimp cover over the crimp bead (optional).

Your bracelet in now finished!  Wear, enjoy and admire!



  1. Beautiful bracelet! Thanks for using Soft Flex Beading Wire. :)

    Soft Flex Co.

  2. Lovely bracelet. THanks for the tutorial!

  3. Your stringing tile bracelet is an awesome inspiration! Many thanks for sharing. I would like to feature your designs at

    Contact me here if you have a concern.


  4. Could you make this bracelet with stretch elastic or would is be too much wear and tear on the stretch magic?

  5. Yes Christy, you can use stretch elastic -- check out the other tutorial I have here "Stringing a Stretch Tile Bracelet". You would probably want to omit the clasp if you made it stretchy though but not necessarily.

  6. I've already said thank you so much for this tutorial. I've been making 2 hole bracelets now because of this and I'm not afraid to do it anymore. this is the best tute ever! I appreciate it a lot! I shared your link on my FB page. Hope others will find it useful.
    thanks again

  7. Thanks Amy, I am so glad to hear when someone appreciates my tutorials. I also have one for making stretch bracelets as well. I tend to do more of those now as I find everyone's wrists are in such varied sizes and the stretch ones seem to fit more people and they sell better.

  8. I am a newbie to polymer clay. I love your site. I have learned so much and I thank you for that. Could you tell me how you put the holes in your tile beads. Thank you again for all your wonderful help.
