
Friday, November 13, 2009

Some new pieces from Julie Picarello's workshop

Here are a few pieces that I made at Julie Picarello's workshop last weekend.  Mokume gane is one of my favorite techniques and Julie teaches a method where you have more control over the design.  I love that part of it as I don't like surprises and when I make something I want it to turn out like I imagined.  The center piece is a pendant and the other two are brooches.

Another technique Julie showed us was creating a design that looks like a lizard's tail.  Of course I was most intrigued with this part with creating some new style geckos.  I had to play around with it and make at least one.  Dave says he almost looks too real (and maybe a little creepy) -- but I think he is rather cute --.



  1. Your colours are wonderful Carolyn and your designs turned out really beautifully. I love being able to see the before and after with your gecko - he's beautiful!

  2. j'ai aussi fait le stage Julie Picarello et c'est un pur bonheur!!
    le collier est magnifique

  3. I agree with everyone... your pieces turned out beautifully! Love how you did the Gecko. Don't think he looks creepy at all!

  4. Thanks so much. I have to say it was a lot of fun to make these and I'm already working on a way to take what Julie taught us and fit it to my own style..

  5. Also wanted to let you know there is an award waiting for you on my blog


  6. These are beautiful pieces. I admire you for continually learning new techniques.

  7. Beautiful work! I really like your arrangement of colors and the little gecko is so cute! I've chosen your blog for the Dream Blog award and featured you on my blog!

    Visit my blog for more about the award:

    Have a wonderful weekend! :-)


  8. I love Julie's work and yours look so good. the little lizard does not look scary, he is adorable.
