
Saturday, June 13, 2009

One Lovely Blog Award

We have been so overwelmed lately with so much going on -- building our deck. gardening, patio blocks, collecting rocks for our rock garden and dry riverbed at the front of our house, organizing all the jewelry to sell at the art festival next month, finishing off my pieces I entered into the art festival, household chores in between.  To top it all off we are not use to the extreme heat we've had and so we just don't get as much done in a day as we would like.  Not that we are complaining about the warm weather -- since that is why we moved here -- we wanted to get away from all the rain and lack of sunshine on the coast.  But I'm sure once things are a little more settled we will get our sanity back!

When we received this award from Coltpixy last week, I was too busy and exhausted to do anything about it.  But now we received it a second time, this time from Clay It Again, I figured I'd better not put it off any longer.  Thanks to both of you by the way.

Sooo, here is what we are to do when we receive this award:

1.  Accept the award
2. Post it on your blog together with the name of the person (or persons) who has granted the award, along with their blog link.
3. Pass the award on to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered.   (And don't forget to contact them that they have been chosen for this award.)

I will list 15 of my favorite blogs here that I've discovered lately.  Most are due to joining several guilds since selling through Art Fire.  Not all of them have to do with polymer clay but I do find them interesting and hope you will too.  Unfortunately, some of them may have already received this award but I didn't see in the rules they couldn't receive it more than once!

Col's Creations    --  I discovered this blog through Moe, one of my favorite polymer clay and blogger friends.
Sassy Clay Creations  --  Dori is a member of the Polymer Clay Smooshers that I joined and I don't think she received this award yet.
Softflexgirl  --  I just discovered this blog the other day by linking through other bloggers.  This one is definitely worth checking out -- especially if you are in to beading.
Bead Beauty Boutique  --  I came across this blog when shopping around in Art Fire for jewelry supplies and noticed he sells beautiful watch faces and other neat findings.  His blog is great to follow as well with tutorials.

All Wired Up Too  --  I discovered Dee's blog through joining the Art Fire Artisan Jeweler Guild.  She does awesome wire work and jewelry creations.

Other blogs of members from the Art Fire Artisan Jeweler Guild:

Cyndie Smith Designs  --  The metal jewelry she creates is just stunning!
The Beaded Bauble -- She creates jewelry with my two favorite stones -- crystals and pearls!
Simply Unique Jewelry  --  This artist creates beautiful jewelry but also shares interesting info and recipes that are gluten-free.
Filed Fingers  --  I love how she shows how she made her gorgeous filigree heart pendant!
Unique You  --  She creates beautiful beadwork.
Willow Walker Designs  --  She creates beautifull dichroic fused glass and jewelry.
Silver River Jewelry  --  unique jewelry with wire wrapping and metal smithing.
Brass monkey Originals  --  Check out her cool jewelry pieces made from acorns and her faces done in polymer clay -- they are hilarious!
Ali Bali Jewellery  --  Alison from the United Kingdom makes contemporary silver jewelry.

And last but not least
Wickwire Jewelry  --  Her Victorian Key Pendant is incredible!

Whew!  That was a bit of work but all of the above are definitely worth a visit to see what they are all about.

Have fun!


  1. What fun! Thanks so much! I'm off to find some blogs!

  2. Oh my goodness! What a wonderful surprise! I'm glad you like the acorn faces; they were so fun to make and I plan to keep making more. Thank you so much for giving me a blogger award! That was really sweet! I'll be happy to pass on the good karma. Thank you again!

  3. Wow, what a wonderful surprise to receive this award. Totally unexpected. I'll be blogging about it tomorrow night. I'm off to find others to pass it to.
    Love the list of artists you awarded to. Quite a few of my favorites!

  4. Thanks, Caro! D I'm off to look at some of the blogs you have listed here. :D

  5. Wow! What a wonderful suprise. Thank you so much. This is really great. Now, I just have to go find more blogs.........

  6. Thank you so much for the award. What a great idea!
