
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Introducing our "How we do it" Series

Since summer has arrived, we have been spending a lot of time outdoors and getting to know many of our great neighbors living around us.  One of our new neighbor friends was visiting the other day and I was showing her my work in the studio.  What surprised her the most was how much work was involved in making each piece and she thought that a lot of it was painted.

She then asked a question that made me stop and think.  She wondered if people who see my art really understand how much work goes into each item I make.   So that got me thinking of how I can share with you what goes into creating a piece.  I know that our work sells much easier when a person can actually hold it in their hands and touch and feel it or even try it on.  One cannot do that when buying over the internet (as in our Art Fire Studio) and they must rely on photographs only.  That is maybe why most of our customers are repeat ones as they already know first hand the quality of our work.

So I decided to post a series on our blog where once a week I will give you an insider's view of our studio and how our pieces are made right down to the finishing details, so hopefully you will come away with a better understanding of our techniques and the materials we use.  Tomorrow I will start by sharing with you how I arrive at the colors I use and eventually how it is possible to create the flowers on the pieces shown above without using a drop of paint.


  1. Sounds like an interesting series. Will follow along to see 'How you do it'!

  2. What a excellent idea. I know I spend many hours that folk don't realize in my sculpts. Keep up the brilliant work darl xxx
