
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

2 Tut Clay Mats

It was such a busy weekend with all the building that went on but our grandson and I managed to squeeze some time in to clay together.  

He is interested in ancient Egypt and thought it would be cool to see how our name would be spelled in hieroglyphics.  We researched it on the internet and copied the images into clay and placed them on some clay tiles we made together.  So if we were in business 4000 years ago, this would be 2 Good Claymates in Egyptian:

Imagine carrying that business card in your wallet!!  lol

Alec also wanted a beaded necklace so I helped him make all the beads and texture them.  He then strung them into the necklace he is wearing.  He did an excellent job on his beads -- and this was his first time ever. 


  1. Beautiful! We have something similar for the Mayan calendar of our wedding anniversary though it's not made of clay.

  2. Yes that's right -- the Mayans used a similar form of writing. We visited most of the pyramids in Mexico when we use to live there and was so fascinating.
