
Friday, April 17, 2009

Back with good news

We returned yesterday from the coast and are slowly unpacking and settling in.  We just received a phone call today from Dave's transplant clinic with good news -- there is no more sign of rejection.  Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

We managed to catch up on finishing a lot of jewelry pieces in our spare time.  They will be posted in our Wearable Art Gallery within the next few days.

I managed to make a few flower canes although I didn't get as many done as I had hoped.  I was right in the middle of production when there was a clunking sound on my pasta machine.  A bolt had come undone and we had no tools with us for repair.  The four canes on the left and bottom are flower centers so I at least have a head start on more flowers to come.

So my poor machine got packed away for the last couple of days and that meant I had to do something to prevent boredom so I went shopping instead! I'm a real sucker for pearls and so couldn't resist buying these fresh water pearls and dyed shell beads in beautiful jewel tone colors.


  1. That is fantastic news about Dave! Glad to hear it.

    Your flower canes are great, even if you didn't get as many done as you would like. Too bad about the busted pasta machine though. That must have been a pain!

    Hopefully you picked up those beads at Dollarama because they just got a shipment of those exact beads strung as necklaces (probably bought out a foreclosure) for a buck each, so they'll probably go super fast!

  2. Thanks so much Cindy. We have been so excited since we heard about the turn around in Dave's health.

    I didn't get the beads from Dollarama but a fine arts store in Vancouver (De Serres) I stumbled across while on my walk. I did get them for a good price though as they were on clearance. I've seen the same ones at Michaels but they were priced way too high like everything else).

    I really like Dollarama though -- they have such fun stuff!

  3. Such wonderful news about Dave, I am so happy for you both!

    Your canes are beautiful Carolyn, as always - can't wait to see what you make with them. You are so talented.

    Sending you very best wishes and hugs,

  4. Thanks so much Linda -- so good to hear from you!
