
Friday, March 13, 2009

Our New Online Galleries

We decided to update our profile photo.  Dave suggested he liked this one.  I wasn't so sure so we took a vote and he won --- okay, don't ask.  This caricature drawing was done a few years back but of course we haven't aged much since - ha!

We also added 2 more blogs (there are links on the side bar).  One is a gallery of our Wearable Art Collection and the other is for our Jewelry for the Home.  Both are set up like a magazine style where you can view by categories we set up on the left side bar.  This was an experiment I was trying and so far I think it will work quite well.  This is just an easier way to view what we have for sale either on Etsy or in our studio.  Let us know what you think.


  1. ah...ahem, caricature, but the small scale of the picture can give one the wrong impression. Looks like you aren't wearing any bottoms...until I click on real size to determine you have a tail aka mermaid. Scales on the body would have been helpful, lol. I liked your other avatar...

  2. That's funny! My computer shows the whole pic. Dave says that the tail is my best feature! - lol ! Scales would've helped but I didn't draw it but a well known Mexican cartoonist drew it for us as a gift. We had no idea what he was drawing until he finished -- he just kept grinning at us the whole time! This of course was done 20 years ago!
