
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Announcing the Winners for the OWOH Give-a-Way!

Well we picked the winners by using Random Integer Generator.  We didn't do anything fancy -- just let it pick the numbers.  So here they are:

First place is Lisa of Mud Hound Primitives from Maryland, U.S.  When Lisa commented, she chose the heart in the centre because she likes things that are symmetrical so we have sent that off to her.  Second place winner is Brenda of The Crafty Chook and is from South Australia.  She chose her pendant and we have sent hers off as well.  Congrats to you both.

Thanks again to Lisa Swifka and any others that helped organize this event.  It was very well run and a fun way to meet other fellow bloggers and artists making our world feel a little smaller!

1 comment:

  1. Big CONGRATS to the lucky winners! :)
    Thank you for sharing this FUN! Have a LOVELY evening!
