
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Great News!

These last 2 weeks have been a real whirlwind for us. Dave was in the hospital a little longer than normal due to his body wanting to reject the new kidney so his doctors gave him the "kitchen sink cocktail" treatment to really force his body to accept the organ. Dave is now home from the hospital and as of today his doctor gave him a clean bill of health (no more signs of rejection).

We would like to thank everyone for their prayers, good wishes and good vibes. We're sure it all worked together to give us today's answer.

Besides all of this, we're still getting jewellry orders coming in at the same rate (2 or 3 a week) which helps us take our minds off of the present problems and ease the stress -- AND I have a probable contract with a ceramic tile retailer to do large orders of custom designer tiles. I just did up some samples for fun (designer tiles and electrical outlet covers for our house) and a friend (thanks John!) showed them to his tile retailer and they are very interested in custom orders so WOW! what a 2 weeks! You never know what is around the next corner -- I may get my arm twisted and end up doing a lot of custom designer tile work which I didn't even imagine doing one month ago.

On top of all this, we had the pleasure of entertaining our daughter and grandson this past weekend:

2 airline tickets -- $540

3 blocks of clay -- $ 12

Claying with your grandson -- priceless!!



  1. Dear Dave and Carolyn,
    What a hectic couple of weeks! I'm so glad to hear that things are starting to settle down. I wanted to phone but knew you'd be up to your necks in it after the surgery. I should have known that claying would still be on the agenda. Take care the two of you and let's keep on praying for a steady recovery.
    take care,
    Deb Groom

  2. Hey, just came back to this site for the second time since you sent the link--I've now bookmarked it, so will be able to easily keep up with you. Ha, ha. Keep up with YOU? No way! You do awesome work! I love the clay jewelry. You are really using your flair for design and color. I really admire all you do.
    With love,

  3. Hi Dave and Carolyn,

    I'm sending you good vibes for continued success with the kidney transplant. My BIL had one about 15 years ago and he's still going strong.

    I put a link to your blog on my blog. Keep up the good work.

